Hi, I am Justyn

your one-stop individual for all your website and UX design needs. I am passionate about creating human-centred experiences that look and feel incredible.

The Artful Cupcake (2024 - Present)

The biggest challenge in building the Artful Cupcake website, has been that addition of creating a Customer Portal and all the UX Design challenges that this adds. Making sure that the Checkout process is as smooth as possible, greatly increases the potential of a sale. Customization of the product before purchase, and personalizing the Checkout process to meet the stores needs, were two major influences on the design and flow of the website.

Another challenge for me was creating the logo, taking the photos and doing all of the artwork as pictured here. View my Custom Visual Effects page to see more of these examples.

Harvest Ventures (2024)

Harvest Ventures was the first website that I designed and built using the skills I had just learned. This was a big undertaking for me because I was not only designing and organizing the flow, but I also built the website using WordPress.

The website needed a whole restructuring to better match the average person's mental model. Re-organizing the site to increase predictability means that users will spend less time trying to understand the website.

Are you interested in seeing more about what I changed on their new website? Click below!

UX Design Institute (2023)

The projects that I completed in the UX Design Institute (including the low-fidelity mockup of an airline website, pictured here), provided me with the tools and confidence I needed to start implementing these principles onto real websites.